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is out now!
Left: Hi Hairy oversize weave and neoprene jacket with synthetic hair, Hi Hairy black crop top
Right: Hi Hairy scanned braided hair oversize top, Hi Hairy black crop top
Left: Hi Hairy oversize weave and neoprene jacket with synthetic hair, Hi Hairy black crop top, Onlymaker High Heels for Men
Right: Hi Hairy yellow oversize top w/ synthetic hair, Hi Hairy black crop top
Left: Hi Hairy oversize weave and neoprene jacket with synthetic hair, Hi Hairy black crop top, Onlymaker High Heels for Men
Right: Hi Hairy scanned hair oversize top, Hi Hairy black crop top

Photographer: Alex Phillips
Model: David Hand @WeSpeak Models
Fashion Designer: Hi Hairy


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