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Interview with Tetiana Kazak

Age: 31
Profession: makeup artist, creative director, music video director
Motivation: my one and only motivation is to have fun
Music: depends on my mood, could be anything from J.S. Bach to Britney Spears, but my favorite singer is Sana from Hell
Hobbies: neuroscience, methodology of thinking, evolution theory

If you could choose where to live, what would your happy place be? 
I already found my happy place in LA, but I wouldn’t mind living on a space station for a year or two. 

3 fun facts about you, that nobody knows 😉
I have a masters degree in Japanese language.
I was a Ukrainian reality TV star back in 2012. 
One summer I worked on a Salmon factory in Alaska 

What is your personal wish for the upcoming year?
I really want to get a chihuahua, but I don’t know how to manage that with my busy schedule. 

If you’d be a superhero, what would your superpower be?
Definitely teleportation, I could do so much more during the day if I didn’t have to sit in traffic. 

What does creativity mean to you? Where do you get your inspiration from? 
Creativity is a neuroprocess, when your brain creates a new intellectual object using objects that it already has downloaded in it’s system. Knowing some basic information about a human brain functioning can really help boosting one’s creative process. I recently came up with my own way to make my brain creatively productive, but explaining my system needs a deeper dive into neuroscience, I guess we can talk about it some other time! 

In your submission you’re talking about photographers not sending back stuff from shoots. Tell us a little more what you mean.
When I just moved to LA in order to meet new people and to create new content I started going to TFP photoshoots. I was surprised how rarely me and a model would get our pictures from photographers. Also there were times when I would get my pictures from a shoot, but images that I took with my phone were way better. So I quickly learned that the best way to meet new people is through recommendations and the easiest way to create content is to create it myself. 

What is your opinion about the new “social” (media) situation these days?
Everybody talks about healthy lifestyle, conscious consumption but no one talks about how unreasonably we consume information. I hear a lot from people that they like to scroll IG in order to “relax” but in reality the brain is actively working while consuming content and it doesn’t matter if it’s meaningful or not. Informational obesity — that’s what’s happening with humanity right now. You are what you eat and this applies not only to food. So next time diving into social media think twice if that is the information that you want to download into your brain. Don’t get me wrong, I love social media, it’s a great source of useful information, powerful marketing tool, and also a great way to connect with people, but we need to learn how to use it properly. 

Wardrobe Stylist/Model: Sofia Valikova
Hair Stylist: Jane Golyzhenkova
Model: Anna Mogilny
Wardrobe Stylist/Female Model/Makeup Artist/Hair Stylist/Photographer: Tetiana Kazak
Photographer/Wardrobe Stylist/Female Model: Sana Nodelman @INSTITUTE
Wardrobe Stylist: Oksana Derina


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