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We had the pleasure to meet Andrey Pavlov, Model from Russia and ask him some questions about his life and his work as model.

Is modeling your main profession?

No, my main job is engineer in oil&gas sector. I have 2 education – engineering and management. Combined of them I got engineering job in UAE.

What are you doing if you are not modeling?

Honestly, I’m not model. I think like that. I just like photoshoots. To be in front of camera and process.

What are the main do’s and don’ts when showcasing yourself to agencies?

I think you need to behave confidently and not be too intrusive. Confidence charges people and gives them a desire to work with you. Be yourself, smile, behave calmly. You can show emotions during the interview, but positive. The agency has already invited you to an interview – this is already 50% that they will be comnted. Think that you have already received this work.

How do you master the art of posing?

Everything comes from the soul, from inside. Training in front of a large mirror give results. Analysis of your past works give the point of the head / person’s position. My first photographer was a extremely talented person, he guided me and gave me experience. Thanks to him.

What is your dream modeling job?

Be successful and famous. This is what I want as a result. And to any work you can find an approach

When you’re not busy modeling, what are some of your favorite things to do?

I love spending time energetically. I hate lying on the sofa and watch TV. I do not watch TV at all. It all depends on this position and season / weather. If I’m on vacation it is the beach, walks. I love to ride a bike. If this winter is snowboarding and fun walks with friends in the park. In childhood I was 4 years old at sports dancing. Therefore, I love to dance in clubs. And of course I love gym with my good trainer Andrey Borkov (Instagram: borkovav ) He keep my motivation and always support me. Thanks to him.

What advice would you give to your younger self if you knew what you know today?

I would not waste time and began as early as possible. Because the younger than we are all the more easily we make decisions and we do not have fear. We think less about the consequences, more optimistic

Where is your favorite place to travel to?

I love Spain very much! I love the culture of Asia, but not more. I feel free in Spain, I like free and emotional people. In Spain, this is, people are amazing there. Plus, nature relaxes and does not allow to miss. Ride a bike there is a pleasure

Can you share the funniest or most interesting story that happened to you since you became a model?

As it was a photoshooting on large stones, which award the beach from the waves (Beach photoshoot). By my talented friend photographer Edward (Instagram: edwardouble). During the shooting, gathered around 10 observers. They watched my poses. Then when we finished the shooting – these people went to those stones where we were filmed and began to be photographed in the same poses by phone. It was funny to watch, when we pick up our items to be left.

What are your „5 things I wish someone told me before I became a model“ and why?

I can’t give an answer to this question. I probably needed just support to start. Belief in yourself. That’s all, hahaha.


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